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Grant Making Policy


  1. The Harrison & Potter Trust is not a general charity and therefore although it can make grants to organisations, the individuals supported by the organisations do have to fall within the guidelines of its Constitution. The guidelines effectively mirror the Charity Commission publication on The Prevention or Relief of Poverty for the Public Benefit (a publication updated and replaced by the Charity Commission as part of their Public Benefit (PB) publications ‐ CC4, PB2). Reference to low income does not restrict trustees to applicants eligible for state benefits - it would include, for example, homeowners on small pensions/fixed income.
  2. Under the terms of the Charity's Constitution, projects and the individuals supported by them must be located within the Leeds City boundary.
  3. Grants cannot be made to pay rates or taxes levied by public or local Government.
  4. Grants vary from £500 up to £10,000.

The Charity Supports:

  1. Locally based charities only with local projects.
  2. Projects for the elderly, the homeless, the young unemployed and single parent families.
  3. Local groups providing services (such as decorating/house maintenance for the elderly) and after school play groups - events and for materials.

The Charity Does Not Support:

  1. Applications for staffing costs, salaries or planned projects of more than one year. The Charity cannot commit to repeat grants.
  2. National charities with local projects.

How to Apply

  1. Grants are awarded once a year at the November meeting of the Trustees; applications should be submitted no later than 30 September.
  2. Applications should be made in writing stating the amount requested, and supported with details of the project, budget and/or accounts.

Policy updated May 2022